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Authors(s): M. Artsinovich
Year: 2013
Cover: hardcover
Pages: 176
Language: Russian, English
Size: 24 х 24.5 х 1.8
Weight: 1,200
The author, Maxim Artsinovich dedicated this album to the 25th anniversary of the St. Petersburg school of gemstone carving. The book gives a comprehensive analysis of the origin, development and current state of St. Petersburg contemporary gemstone carving art school, and contains enough detailed information associated with the development of lapidary art in other regions of Russia and the world. Maxim Artsinovich analyzes the state and development of Petersburg gemstone carving school, not only in art, but also in social and economic contexts. This album proves the fact that the Russian school and style in gemstone carving is not only about Faberge but has much more to offer and even more to discover. The book is lavishly and beautifully illustrated, printed on high quality matte paper with hundreds of beautiful images.